Smaskig potatis

bake blur close up cook
Photo by Pixabay on

1 kg potatis

½ dl EVOO

S & P

1 näve timjan

1 paket bacon

delicious hard cheese grating in kitchen
Photo by Klaus Nielsen on

Till såsen:

1 hg Västerbottenost

1½ dl crème fraiche

½ tsk mejram

½ tsk oregano

1 tsk timjan

1 tsk honung

½ dl persilja

green leaf plants
Photo by Pixabay on

Koka potatisen riktigt mjuk. Skala om det behövs. Dela i hälften eller mer, beroende på storlek. Det ska gå att mosa till dem. Lägg i smord ungsform. Ringla över olja. Strö över salt och peppar och halva näven repad timjan.

Rosta i 225 grader i 15 minuter, eller tills de är gyllengula!

Skär baconet i små bitar och knaperstek; låt rinna av.

heap of bacon cut into small slices
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on


Riv osten. Hacka persiljan. Vispa ihop alla ingredienser.

För servering: När potatisen är färdig, klicka ut såsen eller sprid över hela formen, strö över bacon och resten av repade timjan.

Published by honeywritingblog

Sharing my best loved honey based recipies, along with short stories collected during life in Northern California and Stockholm, Sweden. Well, stories from other joints as well, and not only my experiences. Some will appear in English and some in Swedish. Deal with it.

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Smashingly good Potatoes

Photo by Pixabay on

2 pounds potatoes

¼ cup EVVO

S & P

1 handfull thyme

4 ounces bacon

For the topping:

4 ounces Parmesan

½ cup crème fraiche

½ teaspoon marjoram

½ teaspoon oregano

1 teaspoon thyme

1 teaspoon honey

¼ cup parsley

Boil the potatoes until very soft. Peel if necessary. Cut in half or more, depending on size. You should be able to slightly smash them. Place in oiled oven pan. Drizzle the oil. Sprinkle the salt and pepper and half the handful of thyme leaves.

Roast in 430 F for 15 – 20 minutes, or until golden!

Cut the bacon in small pieces and fry until crisp. De-grease on kitchen towel.


Grate the cheese. Chop the parsley. Mix all ingredients.

To serve: When potatoes are done, dab or smear the topping over them and sprinkle the bacon and the rest of the thyme on top.

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