The No Problem Hotel

Would you like us to clean your room tomorrow? No problem! Dear guest, We have established a new routine in regards of cleaning our hotel rooms. If you stay with us for more than one night, your room will be automatically cleaned every 4th day. However, if you would like us to clean your roomContinue reading “The No Problem Hotel”

What I want to achieve

This will be a great year! I have short goals. I have long term goals. I have outrageous goals and small, manageable goals that are easy and fun to check off. There’s a Marathon in June keeping me motivated, although it’s not certain I can do it. I’m researching how to find a literary agentContinue reading “What I want to achieve”

Skatt på skatt

Konstaterar att vi betalar skatt på skatten. Va? Men det kan väl ändå inte stämma? Jojomensan, så finurligt har de folkvalda räknat ut det: På elnätets avgifter ingår elöverföringsavgift grundad på si eller så många ören per kilowatttimma (kWh), en fast avgift per månad, och energiskatt. Okej, det verkar väl rimligt, kanske, trots att energiskattenContinue reading “Skatt på skatt”

Coffee break, and break, and…

Richard did not believe me, when I described the coffee habits of Swedes. Oh, ye of little faith, always trust the natives! When I was Bureau Chief for a Venture Capital magazine out of Silicon Valley, one of our Board members was headed to Sweden to attend a conference on immaterial patent law. He hadContinue reading “Coffee break, and break, and…”